Saturday 16 July 2011

Weigh In - 5 days - a working week

Weight in...

Me: 154lbs, 6lbs lighter :-)

Hubby: 190lbs, 7lbs lighter :-)

Yay go us!

But none of my measurements have changed? My waist hips bust etc are exactly the same, so where's it coming off? Odd!

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Days 2 & 3

Well yesterday was manic, I never got time to post! But it was a good day :-)

I stuck to the diet, I still feel great and I'm not hungry, success!

Today I'm quite looking forward to my food again. I'm going to need my strength though, 3.5hrs of burlesque tonight. It'll be nice to see the girls again though :-) My burly friends.

Today had an extra specially great start to it. I weighed myself and I've already lost 5lbs! Amazing! I must be retaining a lot of fluid.

Day 3 today, 14 more to go :-)

Monday 11 July 2011


I give up...


Plain just tastes horrid! I'm drinking about a third of what I would normally.

So I'm adding sugar free juice instead and I'll cut it down, getting weaker till its just water :-)

Cheating but baby steps still!

Day 1

It's nearing the end of day 1 and its been a partial success.

Breakfast was a delicious pro biotic drink called "nom" follwed by an apple mid morning. Yum.

But for lunch is bought a salad with French dressing. It was horrid! I cannot get used to raw tomatoes and spinach is way too strong for me. Thankfully I'd brought sliced chicken too so I filled up on that and left loads for tomorrow.

Dinner we had lean beef meatballs with a tomato based veggie sauce, peas and carrots on the side. Fantastic.

Afterwards to kill my sweet tooth I had my second yoghurt serving, really hit the spot. Last week it would have been chocolate, ice cream, biscuits or chocolate spread on toast.
So today I've eaten better and feel proud of myself.

But I didn't manage to fit in my 17 mins of exercise. After the kids screaming in bed for an hour and a half it was all I could do to stay away from the cakes my mother in law left in the cupboard today (she babysits here twice a week).

I'm surprised I'm not feeling tired, hungry or light headed, which I was expecting to given that I exist almost exclusively on carbs most of the time.

I hope this kicks in soon though, I couldn't fasten one of my bigger pairs of jeans today. I'm running out of clothes. This has to work. I have to sticck at it. I will do it.

Saturday 9 July 2011

Measurements - Before

Ok well here it is, the cringeworthy before figures. In no time at all I'll be looking back shocked how big I was!

Height: 5ft4
Weight: 160.0lbs exactly
BMI: 27.5 (Overweight)

Waist: 33" or 84cm
Hips: 41" or 104cm
Bust: 39.5" or 100cm
Rubber Ring: 40" or 102cm
Thigh: 22.5" or 57cm

Lots of figures there I'm thoroughly ashamed of. Now they're in print it almost seems worse!

But they're going to change, rapidly, permanently!

Off to buy the book :-)

Friday 8 July 2011

The Last Supper

Tonight was the last pig out. An Indian meal from a fantastic restaurant nearby called Mushtaq's. A chicken chansi and pakora to share yum!

We split the last muffin too. Now we're all set to diet.

Tomorrow, measurements. Weight, waist, hips, bust, thighs, the works! :-D Maybe even a before photo? Cringe!

Past attempts

I mentioned I'd fought my weight before. I've tried a few different things with varying degrees of success.

My first "diet" was a meal plan I bought online. I don't even remember the name. I was 19 and had not long moved in with my boyfriend. It was pretty much a starvation diet and on day 5, 9lbs lighter I collapsed. The weight came back almost instantly but it took weeks for me to feel better again. Disastrous start! I tried Weight Watchers but was always hungry. Slimming world worked for me, it was easy and very flexible, maybe too flexible. Is lose well for a while then hit a barrier. Looking at months of endless diets, then I'd give up. I've dabbled with others, slim fast, special k, the usual! But now, the thought of a 17 Day Diet. I can count down the days till the end of the cycle, maybe that'll get me through? Tomorrow I buy the book!in